Sunday, January 30, 2011

January 29, 2011

As we traveled to our final destination, everyone was excited for our time at the beach; luckily the bus ride was short.  We arrived at Pembe Abwe, Daudi and Truda’s privately owned beach in the early afternoon to the sound of the ocean and one of the most beautiful views. With nearly a mile to explore and swim, everyone enjoyed soaking up the rays. As if that wasn’t enough, we are able to snorkel in nearby reefs and kayak to view a variety of kingfishers in a mangrove forest.
 Pembe Abwe.
Photo by: Rachael Kaozlowski


  1. Megan -- What better way to end this trip than with a day at a private beach! That must have been awesome for all of you. And all those butterflies...who knew?! I hope it was a terrific ending to a terrific trip, and I hope you guys have a very safe journey back home. Love you always, Mom

  2. The Ocean! Our family favorite! What a nice way to end this magnificent trip. I'm sure it was a beautiful sight to see the ocean, the butterflies, amazing :) Dana, we can't wait to see you. We have a lot of catching up to do! Love you soooooo much! Mommy

  3. Errica!! We're all so excited that you'll be home soon, although I'm sure you're going to wish you were still in the wilds of Africa. (As if Essex VT isn't wild enough for you!) I'm not sure I have your return flight info, but I know you'll call. I love you lots! Enjoy your last few days!! Mom

  4. Hi ELizabeth - Ah-h-h the beach. Mr.C wants to see some pictures of the sand castle you create! Are there any interesting shells? Maybe you can take a picture! Ha HA. Everyone has been asking about you and following on the blog. We, here at home, are anxious to see you and hear about this African adventure. Soak up some rays for me and enjoy the sun sand and water. Counting down the days - XOXO Momma

  5. HI Lizzy Baxter-What a neat picture of the butterfly! The Lipscombs loved it. Dana's picture of the chameleon is like a picture in a glossy magazine.Enjoy the beach. Mom and Dad are both looking at summer jobs for you and emailing the aps where possible.Dad says your car misses you!Ha,ha! You'll get to see alot of snow on your way home to VA. Everything is white.Katie has another couple job possibilities. Love Mom and Dad

  6. Hi Ja-Z...Hope you are all enjoying the sun and sand..Soak up as much as you can (and bring some home) -- you'll be trading it in for cold and lots of snow when you get back. Excited to see you.. just a few more days. Love mom xox .

  7. Hey Sam! As this exquisite journey comes to a close I hope that the experience was everything that you dreamed of and so much more!!! I know you will never forget this past month as it will be almost impossible to top. Heres wishing you and the entire group a safe journey back home as all the families are so excited to see the many phtographs and hear the many stories of such a wonderful trip...Godspeed to you all! we await your arrival back in the you Sam xox annmarie

  8. Kaitlyn B - I know you will be enjoying your final days at the beach. soak up all that sun because you will be coming home to a winter mix that day. hopefully not to bad so traveling to NJ won't be a pain. Will bring your warm clothing for you & boots! luv ya can't wait to see ya. Have a safe trip home!!!

  9. Lizzie -

    Hope you had a good birthday on the beach, with cake, ice cream, and lots of presents. No?? Well, we'll have that for you when you get home. Mom's planning quite the feast for the few days you'll be around. I'll see you Wednesday at the airport, with cookies. Looking forward to seeing all of your pictures.

    Love Dad

  10. Grace,
    Dad and I are here with Granny and Grandad. They say to tell you that they are so excited for you -- what a wonderful trip! They are so glad you are experiencing it. We're wondering if that photo showed the butterfly on your camera - we thought it looked like you. Grandad says they can hardly wait to hear your stories - you will have their full attention! Enjoy the beach, have a wonderful time. See you Wednesday! Love, Mom and Dad

  11. Wow i hope you all loved the reefs! thats super awesome! Mangrove forests are one of my favorite snorkels!

  12. Virg -- Don't let up on the sunscreen! How mom of mom. Can't wait to have you back.


  13. Camille!

    I can't believe the end is so near!! I am soooo excited for Weds, what can I say. I hope this adventure has lived up to your expectations - actually beyond them. Reading the blog has been the highlight of my day! Lots of people have enjoyed visiting Afirca vicariously through you. We can't wait for the pics too. Everyone wants to have an Africa night so get your stories straight ha! ha!

    Enjoy the beach and I certainly hope there's a shark sighting. Use that sunscreen!!

    love and miss you!

    mom and Riley

  14. Wow Cait, That's WAY better than snorkling at Discovery Cove. I can't wait to hear how the ocean compared to North Carolina. I can't wait to hear about EVERYTHING. Looking forward to seeing you tan and happy, real soon. Love you, Mom

  15. Caitlin,
    This sounds like a well deserved break (and bath haha)! What an amazing adventure you guys have had! I know everyone's saying this, but seriously, can you believe the months almost up? Can't wait to actually talk to you!
    A little update, round here we're having our first set of exams :/ Dan and I have been locked away studying a lot (he says hi by the way!). But yesterday we got away for a little adventure of our own and went rafting, rock climbing, and rapelling... It was terrifying, fun, and extremely difficult at the same time--oh and today I'm sore in muscles I didn't know I had! :) Miss you girl, when you get home hug your mom and dad, sleep, then Skype me! :D
    -Katie K

  16. Hi Lizzie-
    The beach...what an ending to a fabulous trip. I am soooooo jealous! All I have here is SNOW!!! Enjoy the last few days and we will definitely celebrate your birthday when you get home. I started shopping today. Love you!!!!
    Mom and Mocha

  17. Nicole,

    The BEACH !! Your home away from home. Great way to end the most awesome experience of a lifetime. Enjoy the sun and surf. Back in the states, everyone will be greeted with freezing temps, snow and more snow. LOL Hope the trip home will be uneventful for all. See you soon!
    love,kisses and hugs,
    Dad, Mom and Bella

  18. Hey Liz,

    That sound like so much fun! Have fun at the beach and snorkeling. I hope your kayaking experience goes a little better than Mr Redicans. Have fun! I can't wait till you come back.
    Love Calvin

  19. Hey Lindsay,
    Enjoy your last few days in Tanzania. Sounds like the beach and ocean are beautiful. Everyone stateside is excited for your return. Dad and I wll see you on Wednesday afternoon at the airport. Emily will get home after her 6-9 SAT prep class. Love, Mom

  20. Hey Nicole!
    Sounds like you're having a fantastic time at the beach. What an awesome way to end the trip! When you get back to the states, send me a text - I'll be in class til 9pm (yeah, it's going to be a very longgg day). Enjoy soaking up the rays. Can't wait to hear about all your adventures.
    deine Schwester,

  21. Hi Lizzy Baxter,

    It's 9:26pm EST Sunday Jan 30, 2011, and it's about 6:26am Monday Jan 31, 2011 Tanzania time.
    Have you had a chance to look for star patterns at the night sky?

    We hope you've had some chance to rest up a bit after your hectic, non-stop, exciting (maybe dizzying?) adventure. Try to record some of your thoughts while they are fresh. I understand if you can't manage to. There's so much going on.

    I think your summer intern job that you get, may seem tame after the wilds of Africa!

    I expect that you will talk about nothing else, (but Africa) for a good long while. Mommy and I send our love.

    This may be the last time we can post to this blog. If so, I wish you and your friends an easy trip home.

    love, xx000xxx Dad and Mommy (and Katie and Erin)

  22. Hi Caits. At 17,000 views! Trying our best to help get you guys to 20,000. I have been using 3 browsers for the last week working on it. Hope you're ready for the transition from Pembe Abwe beach to Blizzard beach! Snow, snow and more snow here. See you Wednesday!

  23. Kaitlyn B
    Can't wait to see you :) Surgery is Monday AM :)
    Love you and miss you bunches,
    Aunt Cyn

  24. Hi Sam,I can't believe you're alm0st at the end of your fantastic adventures.What a way to wind down, swimming,snorkeling,and kayaking on a privately owned beach.Hope you had a grand time. Thank you Daudi and Truda for sharing your little paradise with our children.Sam I can't wait to hear your stories and see all those pictures. Wednesday can't come soon enough.It will certainly be my most memorable birthday thus far.I hope the groundhog cooperates, because we're all just about done with winter and all this snow. We long to see that smiling face.Until then we wish you and all your friends a very safe trip home..... We Love You More .....Mom and Dad xoxoxo

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