Monday, January 31, 2011

We're SO Close!

Thank SO much to everyone who has been viewing the blog! We appreciate all the times you have visited the page to help us bring up the view count. We are enjoying our last morning at the beach before we pack up to come home. Ja-Z and KT will update the bog again once we arrive in Amsterdam so please keep visiting so we can hit our 20,000 goal and give you guys a special treat (in addition to our return).

We're counting on you to bring us to 20,000. You can do it!


  1. Safe Travels to all of you. Can't wait to see those smiling faces tomorrow. Love Momma

  2. Dear Lizzy Baxter,

    Well, it's 6:16am Tuesday Feb. 1, 2011 in Herndon VA and Mommy and I are getting up for work. It's about 3:16pm Tuesday Feb. 1, 2011 Tanzania time and in about 9 hours you will be leaving Dar es Salaam, Tanzania for Amsterdam and home. We will be at about the end of another day's work, when you fly home.

    As you pack and leave Pembe Abwe on your charter flight to Dar es Salaam, we look forward to your return, your stories and your pictures. We're very glad you went! Safe home for everybody!

    love, xxxoooxxx, Dad and Mommy
    (ps, we're doing our part for the blog hits).

  3. Hi Sam,the groundhog is so looking forward to your return tomorrow. The best gift ever.

    To JON and Jake, Thank You for all you've done to make our kids outrageous adventure so memorable.

    To All, stay safe and enjoy your flights back to The U.S.A.....We'll all be waiting.

    Love you Sam! xoxo Mommy

  4. Dear Marissa Goldstein,

    I woke up this morning and realized that you're coming home today. I cannot wait to see all your pictures, hear your stories and other craziness! I've missed you tons and can't wait to see you. Mom, Dad, Daniel, Sasha and Casey all say Hi by the way. So until I see you, I'm off to school in the snow.

    Get Home Safe and Enjoy Amsterdam, it's probably a lot better than Frankfurt. (I'll tell you when I see you haha)

    Love Your Bro,

  5. Glad to hear that you got to enjoy the beach and snorkeling/sealife/fun and sun, etc.
    Glad also to hear about the book - was wondering how I would catalog all this great information
    The blog has been amazing, so thanks again!
    Safe travels to all!!

    Lindsay we love you and can't wait to see you. Ice storm this morning here so glad you got to enjoy some warm sunny weather there along with everything else! See you soon!!!

  6. Jasmine -- can't wait to see you tomorrow. Many thanks to Jon and Jake for giving you such an amazing Wishing you a safe journey home. see you soon.
    Love Mom

  7. To Kellie, He's almost home. Thank you for doing without him for a month. Sam's Mom

  8. Have a safe journey back home everyone! Nicole, can't wait to see you and hear all your amazing stories.
    deine Schwester,

  9. SO EXCITED FOR YOUR HOMECOMING!!!!!!!! Meowing everywhere.


  10. Hi Lizzie!!!!
    I can"t wait to see your smiling face!!!! No school for Josh today-does that give you any indication of the weather here. Even YSU was closed...Dad went into work anyway. He is leaving this afternoon for NJ and bringing cookies with him. I told him not to eat them all. LOL Krinkles will be here when you get home Travel safely and I will see you real soon now!!!!
    Love you,
    Mom and Mocha

  11. Elizabeth - Count down has begun! Wishing away the hours until you are on US soil!Have a safe journey, love ya Momma

  12. Ja-Z and KT, Many thanks for doing such a great job with the blog. It has allowed us to really enjoy your trip.

    Safe travels, everyone. See you tomorrow! - The Oldfields

  13. So sad to hear you guys are coming home already. I hope you enjoyed you're once in a lifetime experience over there. I've got a snow day today (minus the snow), so I guarantee that blog hits 20,000 by the end of the day. As of about noon (est) you are about 100 clicks away. See you all soon! And I hope you're enjoying AMSTERDAM ;)

  14. 20,000 views ! Yahoo !!
    Caits, looking forward to seeing all your pictures. Not all cut off heads I hope.
    Great beach picture everyone!
    See you tomorrow!

  15. YAY!!! You did it!!! Congrats and can't wait to see the "bonus features!" Have a safe trip everyone. Hopefully the snow won't interfere with your flight. And Can't wait to give you a BIG hug, Errica!! Mom

  16. Over 20,000 ! . . .love the beach photo !! . . . safe trip home!

  17. It's done!!! Congrats! Best blog ever!!!

  18. Does anyone know why the page count needs to be over 20k?

  19. Yes, a special blog would be uploaded from Amsterdam for our viewing pleasure.

  20. You did it! I see over 20,000! Congratulations!

  21. Alex, have a great trip backwe all love you and cant wait to see you


  22. Well over the 20000 hits now. AMAZING. Thanks Professors for providing this amazing experience for our students. Katie and JaZ, thanks so much for the blog. It made our cold and icy days a lot warmer. Safe travels.

  23. Cait, I spent most of last night refreshing my page to up your count. If I fail out of my classes, it will be your fault... :)

  24. KT

    Ahh you made it over 20,000 views!! woo!! im hoping with the time difference that it was by the 1st! aka my bday! It was a good day but just not quite the same without you by my side :(. CAn you believe it has been a year since Aussieland!?!? wildd!! You look so tan/red in that pic! Don't worry, if its red one of two things will happen 1.) you will be dammm tan for your return 2.) you will be pale for your return haha. By that way...chatted with Ali yesterday via fb chat..she has some great ideas for business plans for after graduation should we become desperate!! AHHH enjoy your last day (maybe you are in Amsterdam already) not sure but AHHH I AM SEEING YOU TOMORROWWW!!!!!! WOOOOO!! Providing that the weather is ok for driving and ok for your flight to take off and get you home!! have a safe trip and i love you to pieces!!


    P.S. maybe I can meet this Ja-Z in person..she seems really cool!!

  25. Hi Dana Rae!!!

    Have a safe trip home! I wanna hear all about your trip whenever you get a free chance after resting and recouperating! Can't wait!!!

